April 19, 2011


     I'm talkin about the chicks who are so desperate to have a homegirl.  Like DAMN woman, you makin' me a weeeeeee bit worrisome here with that stage 3 clinger status.  It's bad enough when the opposite sex takes an interest in you & hangs onto you for dear life, so when a same-sex person does it, it's kinda skurry.  Don't tell me you guys don't know what I'm talkin about either.  That one "friend" that you thought was madd cool peoples, then all of a sudden became super annoying to the point that you roll your eyes at anything & everything they do/say.  It's like they're constantly seeking for approval & attention to make up for their insecurities.  Not only that, but it's like.... once you think yall are gonna get along pretty well, all of a sudden they're buggin ya ass for advice, spilling their deepest darkest secrets, layin out their problems voluntarily & making YOU listen INvoluntarily, basically labeling you as their life-long BFF or some shit like that, and you're really not.
     Call me mean, but whatever.  I'm just calling it like it is, and the way I see it, you're not my real friend until I feel like even I could open up to someone just like that.  I don't open up to just anybody, and I damn sure as hell won't be showcasin' my closet skeletons.  Fuck that.  But don't get me wrong, I'm all for meeting new people & making new friends (I love socializing!), but dude..... chill with that needy shit.  We ain't coo like that.  Get me?

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