March 22, 2011


     There's a huge difference.  When I think of the word content, I automatically associate it with just "settling" with things.  Not that there's anything wrong with being appreciative of what you already have; you should always be thankful for what's already in your possession.  What I'm trying to say is that I'm a firm believer in striving for more & better when you KNOW you deserve it.  If you're not wakin' up everyday feeling happy with your life, then something has to be missing.  It's like feeling incomplete.  Whether it's love, health, relationships, and/or finances, I think everybody deserves whatever they feel means the whole world to them.  It's like making the goal of losing 50 lbs by the end of summer, but when summer ends you only lost 30.... So you get disappointed and say, "Oh, well.. I tried."  If you make a goal, you need to fucking MAKE that goal.  Get it?
     Now I'm not saying that everyday is gonna be a positive one, but I feel as if you should be living every single moment as if no one could ever rain of your damn parade (And ladies, please don't confuse HAPPINESS with BEING IN A RELATIONSHIP! Shame on you).  The two most problematic areas that people struggle with this issue is in relationships & jobs.  You're stuck in a position where you're COMFORTABLE, so you have a hard ass time tryin' to break that cycle.  You know you're not truly happy, you wish things would be better & they're not, but you stick with it cuz you're too afraid to leave that comfort zone.  If you want the solid truth, the longer you stay in, the harder it is to get out.  Period. You'll never know what else is out there, and if you don't know, how are you so sure that where you're currently at is genuine?
     Go with  your gut-instinct, straight up.  If you have dreams, goals, aspirations, then by all means why not go for it?  Don't just accept mediocre bullshit.  If you go through life accepting all that's truly insignificant, then don't go complaining later on in life why things aren't the way they should be for you.
     Bottom line is: Never settle for less.  In fact, don't settle at all.

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