March 24, 2011


     I know I know.. we're not in class, we're just on these social networks that "mean nothing."  BUT DAMMIT, if you're over the age of 18, have a high school diploma, and/or you're currently in college, there shouldn't be, under no circumstances, any reason for you t0 Typ3 Liike y0u'ree sTiLL a 13-y3ar-0Ldd t3en!ee b0pp3R!  I mean, what aversion do you have against simple writing (take note: writing, not writTing)? Why must you feel the need to purposely misspell words adding all kinds of random characters?!?  ESPECIALLY ON TWITTER.  My... effing... goodness.  Some of those people have theeeee most horrible grammar known to mankind.  It's so bad, when I try to read what some of these people tweet, I feel like my I.Q drops little by little -_____-  When I'm posting quick things, I don't perfect my grammar to the T, simply because I know whatever it is I post isn't being turned in to a teacher to be graded.  Even so, at least I type so that people can understand what the hell I'm saying.
     Oh, and of course.. I HAVE to talk about the confusion of basic english words such as: your, you're, their, there, they're, then, than, woman and women.  I SWEAR people still don't know how to use these words!! It irks my nerves to be honest.  Roll your eyes all you fucking want.  I'll roll your fingers back.  The worst part about it, is that I know for a fact that some of these people are in school!  I know yall write essays!!!!!  You should be ashamed of yourselves.  Embarassed.  Maybe I should secretly send yall dictionaries for your birthdays or Christmas.
     Another thing.  The majority of society uses mobile access when it comes to networking & whatnot.  That means, we use our hands to HOLD our mobile device wihle our poor little thumbs do all the exercising.  Which brings me to this question: HOW THE FUCK do people type in rAndoM aLteRnatiNg LeTTers on their phones?!?  That takes way too much time and is absolutely unnecessary.  I've tried to do it once just to see, and seriously?  SERIOUSLY?  It was like putting my thumb on overtime. STOP THAT.  It's 2011, and it's freaking annoying.

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